Exclusive Pumping Tips: Make it Easier
There are a number of reasons why a woman may choose to breast pump, and a variety of ways to do so.
These are the tips to ensure that it is both effective and comfortable.
Working Together with Your Partner After Baby
These 5 communication tips just might help you increase understanding, decrease assumptions, be efficient and purposeful and enjoy your time together as a family more and be a team with your partner.
Sex After Baby: The Groove
You get to the bedroom and you start to undress the mombod you’ve acquired. Maybe this feels invigorating, but for many women, this comes with a lot of overwhelming feelings. Maybe you're experiecing painful sex or anxiety around it. You’re not alone! Postpartum sex is a topic we don’t always talk about, but we should! We are all going through it!
Marriage After Kids: It's Harder
“Seeing your husband as a dad will make you fall more in love with him!” Yeah, I mean, that’s true, but you know what’s also true? Adding kids to the family makes you doubt yourself, your partner, your relationship and more.
Why We Need to Stop Postpartum Weight Loss Comments
Let’s think of ways together to shift the norm and give mothers more empowerment through things that are more important than stepping on a scale or getting back into “pre pregnancy” jeans. Moms, we are SO MUCH MORE than that.
Being a Heart Mom
To the families who are carrying heavy hearts over the wellness of a child- I see you
Postpartum Fitness: Your Body After Baby
Nobody told you what your body was going to look like or how you might feel about your body after giving birth. While it is ok to want to lose the baby weight eventually; resting, healing and bonding with baby should be top priorities.
Retained Placenta and NICU Transfer
I remember waiting a few minutes to cut her cord and laying her on my chest expecting her to root and start breast-feeding. She didn’t. I remember thinking her energy seemed low although she had let out a good wailing cry at birth.
Hospital Unmedicated Birth Story: Part 1
I found myself on a birthing ball with my head and hands buried into the bed. Contraction after contraction came and while they gained in intensity, I thought we were still pretty early.