Disappointment as a Mom: How Gender, Birth Plans & Health Impacts New Moms
We're talking about gender disappointment, medical disappointment, and birth disappointment. Maybe it's just not being ready to be a mom yet. Maybe it's the disappointment of how something has gone differently than the way you anticipated. The struggle I see here is that we don't often feel okay to have joy and disappointment coexisting with gratitude. Many new moms have this feeling of grief and disappointment over how something has gone.
New Mom Question and Answers: Postpartum Depression, Pumping and Sex
Pain while pumping, how long can PPD last, painful sex, Csection scare healing and splitting responsibilities as a stay at home mom. The questions this week in our Postpartum Q&A
Pregnancy Memes: Hilarious Memes New Moms Need in Each Trimester
As you track your pregnancy week by week, you likely know what size fruit your baby is or what should happen on your pregnancy trimester timeline. Sometimes, though, you need a relatable laugh to get you through when the weeks feel like years and the symptoms feel unrelenting.
How to Handle Your First Period After Having a Baby
After giving birth, there is a period of time before you start to experience a menstrual cycle again. You may be wondering if your periods will be different during postpartum after baby or how long it will take for your period to return. While periods after birth vary greatly, there are some things you can expect when it comes to having your first period after baby.
Alternatives to Tampons and Pads: Making the Switch to Better Period Products
What I don’t remember anyone talking about is how standard brands of tampons and pads can be full of toxins, how uncomfortable they can be, how the fill up landfills and how there are actually other options. To be fair, “other” options weren’t as prevalent at that time, but you’re in luck because now there are so many more options for how you treat your vagina well and honor the feminine time.
Your Breasts After Pregnancy and Giving Birth: What You Need to Know
We talk a lot about how you choose to feed a baby. Nursing, formula, pumping, combination… but we don’t talk much about all the issues that can be part of that decision. The breast issues that can occur after birth can be painful and isolating and they are often still taboo. This post is meant to introduce topics, not go deeply into each.
Maternal Ambivalence: Mixed Feelings About Being a New Mom
What if entering motherhood wasn’t pure bliss 100% of the time? What if your joy was mixed with resentment and grief?
What if you have 𝘮𝘪𝘹𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 about motherhood?
How to Handle Postpartum Body Image
Now, after having a baby, so much is different. Unfortunately, it’s easier to access messages that tell us “how to bounce back” or “how to lose the baby weight fast” than it is to learn about the changes that have happened in our bodies and the ways to nurture and heal them with intention and grace.
You Need Boundaries After Baby
Have you ever felt mean or even “bitchy” for needing and setting boundaries? Especially as women, we are often raised to be people pleasers. And yet, this is exhausting and doesn’t take our needs and desires into consideration. It is important to be a kind and giving person, but in order to truly do that, you need to establish boundaries.
How to do a C-Section Scar Massage
Following a belly birth, most women are instructed on how to watch for infection, easing back into activity, and what to do in those early days. However, many women have shared that they were not instructed to perform scar massages on their belly incisions.
How to Find a Great Pelvic Floor Therapist After Having a Baby
For mothers in the US and many other countries, pelvic floor therapy is not standard care and we are often left to hear about it from a friend, a blog, etc. and find our own way. However, it is important to be able to gain confidence and comfort in the pelvic floor after birth. Some women go years without giving the pelvic floor attention and healing and then deal with things like pelvic floor prolapse even 10 years after birth or incontinence for years. While things like peeing while jumping or painful sex may be common, these are not normal and you don’t have to live with it forever. Pelvic floor therapy is designed to help you through these issues.
Mombod Aboard: Have the Fun With Your Kids Without Worry
Suit up. That’s right, put the suit on. Sit in the sun. Put your toes in the sand. Splash with your little ones. Go to the party. Go to the lessons. Go to the park. Jump in the deep end. Because what your kids will remember most, what they need most out of their moms, is not fitting some outward society expectation, but connecting in meaningful ways.
Postpartum Constipation: Pooping After Baby
Shit happens, but sometimes it doesn’t. After giving birth, up to half of women will deal with constipation. This is another part of life after baby that isn’t discussed but we are here to give you the rundown: why postpartum constipation is common, what you can do to get things moving again, and when you should talk to your doctor about constipation.
Cramping After Birth? Here's How to Handle Postpartum Cramping
Cramps after giving birth are called involution. This is the process of your uterus returning to normal size and is often marked by short, sharp pains. Throughout your pregnancy, your uterus grows around 25X its’ normal size. These cramps after giving birth are helping the uterus to shrink back down. While the process usually takes around 6 weeks, you likely won’t feel these pains for that long. As the days pass, the cramping will reduce and then subside.
Worst Massage of Your Life: Fundal Massage After Giving Birth
A fundal massage, also known as a uterine massage, is a normal part of after-delivery care. This typically happens shortly after birth (or birth loss) and can continue for hours or days depending on the needs of the patient. Who doesn’t want a massage after the labor of bringing another human into the world?