What is DMER in Breastfeeding Moms?
It took me a long time to learn why I was having these intense feelings before and during let downs when I was exclusively pumping. For me, it was like a jolt through my body and a pang of anxiety. Sometimes it brought tears to my eyes or made me nauseous. While I was exclusively pumping for my daughter, I didn’t have D-MER all the time, but experienced it at least once a day.
Friendship After Baby: Making and Keeping Mom Friends
Having a baby can create changes in friendships. When you are parenting a newborn, you need different kinds of friends to support you. Making and keeping mom friends almost feels like dating. Below we discuss the ways friendships change after baby and making friends as a new mom.
The Pressure to Breastfeed: Feeding Choices of New Moms
Even in 2020, there is still a lot of pressure around how a woman feed her baby. Phrases like “breast is best” and “liquid gold” circulate mommy blogs and instagram posts. Whether you are deciding between breastfeeding or formula feeding, deciding the best formula to give your baby, switching from breastmilk to formula, supplementing or mixing breastmilk and formula, or any other kind of feeding, the reality is there are a lot of opinions.
First Trimester: How to Handle it and What To Do
Maybe it was feeling morning sickness or perhaps you missed your period. Maybe you just felt different and thought to take a pregnancy test. No matter how you learned you were pregnant, the realization makes you think about all the things to do in the first trimester. Let’s not forget, all the things to avoid during the first trimester.