Are You Being Misunderstood by Your Partner? Here's How to Fix It

Have you ever had a moment with your partner where it feels like you're talking, but they just don’t get you? Maybe you’re juggling the chaos of parenting, and a small comment—something they probably didn’t even think twice about—cuts a little too deep. Suddenly, you’re frustrated, and they’re defensive. Misunderstandings like these are so common, especially when you’ve got little ones at home.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Misunderstandings are part of life, but when left unaddressed, they can lead to frustration, stress, and even emotional distance in your relationship. The good news? There are practical ways to get back on the same page and rebuild that connection. Let’s dive in.

Why Do Misunderstandings Happen?

Let’s start by looking at why we so often miss each other’s meaning, especially as parents. Here are three common reasons:

  1. Exhaustion and Overwhelm As Parents
    When you’re running on empty, it’s hard to communicate clearly. Maybe you’re short with each other or distracted during conversations, and suddenly, important things slip through the cracks.

  2. Assumptions
    We often assume our partner knows what we need or how we feel without actually saying it. For example, maybe you think your partner should know that bedtime routines are overwhelming for you, but they assume you’ve got it under control. These unspoken expectations can quickly lead to resentment.

  3. Different Communication Styles
    One of you might be a "talk-it-out" kind of person, while the other prefers to process things quietly. Or maybe you vent and they jump straight into problem-solving mode. These differences can create a disconnect if you’re not aware of them.

husband misunderstands me

The Cost of Misunderstandings in your relationship

Misunderstandings might seem small in the moment, but over time, they can build into bigger issues:

  • Emotional Distance: When you feel unheard, you stop sharing how you feel. Over time, this creates a wall between you and your partner.

  • Increased Stress: Parenting is stressful enough on its own. Add miscommunication to the mix, and it can feel overwhelming.

  • Family Impact: Let’s not forget—your kids notice when there’s tension. They pick up on the energy between you and your partner, even if you’re not arguing in front of them.

The bottom line? Miscommunication doesn’t just hurt you; it can affect your whole family dynamic.

A Relatable Example of Misunderstanding

One of my coaching clients shared this story recently. She had a long, exhausting day full of toddler tantrums and never-ending messes. When her partner got home, he glanced around and said, “Wow, rough day, huh?”

To him, it was an innocent comment—maybe even a little attempt at humor. But to her, it felt like he was criticizing her or pointing out that she couldn’t keep up with everything. That comment lingered, and later that evening, they ended up in an argument over something completely unrelated.

Sound familiar? These small moments can spiral quickly, especially when we’re overwhelmed and our communication isn’t clear.

This is where coaching can make a huge difference. Sometimes, you just need a third-party perspective to help unpack the emotions behind these moments, figure out how to communicate your needs more effectively, and create space for better understanding.

3 Ways to Get Back on the Same Page

If misunderstandings have been building up in your relationship, don’t worry—there are ways to repair the connection. Here are three practical strategies to try:

1. The 10-Minute Daily Check-In

Set aside 10 minutes every day to reconnect. No phones, no distractions—just the two of you. Share one thing you appreciated about each other that day and one thing you need help with tomorrow.

This small habit can go a long way in building understanding. One couple I coached said it helped them see each other’s efforts in a whole new way, even during the busiest seasons of parenting.

2. Use “I” Statements and Stay Curious

Instead of blaming or accusing, focus on how you feel and what you need. For example:

  • Instead of saying, “You never help with the kids,” try, “I’ve been feeling overwhelmed during bedtime. Can we figure out a way to make it easier together?”

Staying curious about your partner’s perspective is also key. Ask questions like, “What did you mean by that?” or “How can I support you better?” Coaching can give you tools to reframe your communication in ways that make your partner feel less defensive and more open to listening.

3. Schedule Connection Time

Yes, it might feel weird to put it on the calendar, but intentional connection makes a big difference. Whether it’s a quick date night at home after the kids are asleep or 15 minutes to laugh together, prioritizing time as a couple can help you feel more aligned.

Why Coaching Helps

If you’re feeling stuck, coaching can provide powerful support to move forward. Here’s how:

  • It helps you uncover what you’re really trying to say and gives you clarity on your needs.

  • It teaches you how to communicate those needs in a way your partner will understand.

  • It creates space for you to explore how to work as a team and rebuild your connection.

When you’re in the middle of everyday chaos, it can be hard to see the bigger picture. Coaching offers that outside perspective to help you move from frustration to real connection.

Final Thoughts

Misunderstandings are normal, but they don’t have to define your relationship. With small, intentional changes—and maybe a little outside support—you and your partner can create a stronger foundation of understanding, even during the busiest seasons of life.

If you’re ready to take the next step and want tools to improve communication, strengthen your partnership, and reduce stress, coaching might be exactly what you need.

Let’s work together to help you feel seen, heard, and truly connected again.

Chelsea Skaggs

Postpartum advocate and coach committed to kicking the pressure to be Pinterest Perfect and helping new moms find their voice and confidence.

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